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Home Projects Bramcote Hills Golf Course Nottingham

Bramcote Hills Golf Course Nottingham

The concept appraisal has been formulated on the basis of providing a specialist care / continuing care retirement development comprising approximately 100 residential units and communal / care facilities, to specifically address the needs and demands of a growing ageing population & strategic priority in Broxtowe.

The provision of continuing care, retirement and specialist care for older people in later life increases well-being, reduces care home admissions, allows for greater independence for longer, thus offering savings to the NHS and also in re-balancing the local housing market. The release of ‘family dwellings’ contributes to the local housing supply chain and in turn potentially releases equity to supplement income and later life care costs.

Outline planning permission was awarded for the site in March 2017 ‘on appeal’, and it is planned for construction to commence in 2019.


  • Transport Planning


Champions Gate Ltd




Halsall lloyd Partnership

Project Description

A Residential development opportunity with outline planning permission for 100 dwellings.




Construction to commence in 2019

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