BSP Consulting Gains Gold CSR Accreditation
BSP Consulting realise the value of Corporate Social Responsibility.
We measure our Corporate Social Responsibility guided by our policy.
We do this by providing energy efficient building design.
Reduction of environmental impact is promoted through systems throughout all our Company operations, whether office, design, or site based.
Moreover we commit to giving back to the local community by raising money for charity and by giving pro-bono advice.
We are an equal opportunities employer, for instance we provide work experience, apprenticeships and training for young people.
In addition our team are fully committed to adding value to the communities within which we work.
To clarify being a good neighbour means we actively interact with community groups and support educational initiatives.
Furthermore local business relationships are nurtured through sourcing local labour, equipment, and materials where possible and will continue to champion community engagement throughout the industry.
As a result BSP provides legacy beyond lifetime of construction works.
BSP Consulting has been presented with a top level award in recognition of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
We have received a gold CSR accreditation – the highest level awarded by CSR Accreditation, which delivers the standard for social responsibility.
It reflects BSP’s dedication and commitment to social and environmental concerns within its business operations and in interactions with its stakeholders, including staff, clients and associates.
Our CSR Activity is is based on the four pillars of CSR