BSP Consulting is involved in a £100m housing and business park scheme being built in Derby.
The development, known as Manor Kingsway, is being built on land formerly occupied by Manor and Kingsway hospitals, and will create 700 homes and a business park which will support 450 jobs.
It is being delivered over seven years by a partnership between developer Kier Partnership Homes, Derby City Council, the Homes and Communities Agency and Nottingham Community Housing Association.
BSP has been appointed civil and structural engineer from phase two onwards, designing S278 roundabout upgrades, roads, sewers, plus a fully integrated SUDs drainage system, including permeable paving, swales, filter strips and a two-stage treatment retention basin.
The company has also completed earthworks modelling exercises to help minimise the carbon footprint of the scheme.
BSP is currently designing two signature apartment buildings that are due to be built near the site entrance – one four-storey and one five-storey in masonry. These require detailed analysis due to disproportionate collapse design standards.
This is one of a number of major regeneration projects that BSP is involved with in Derby, including the Castleward scheme.